Comparison of Similarity Measure Using Density Peak Clustering For Collaborative Filtering Techniques Dr. S. Shajun Nisha, B.Rajeswari DOI:10.14148.IJ.2021.V2.2201
Multi-Purpose Potential of RFID Technology for Access Control, Asset Tracking, and SOS Messaging Integration BASKARAN.A DOI:10.14148.IJ.2021.V2.2202
Exploring the Power of BART and BERT: Context Similarity and Extraction in NLP Hitakshi Chellani, Saurav Singh DOI:10.14148.IJ.2021.V2.2203
Advanced Dual Boost Inverter with High Voltage Gain DC to DC topology for PV Applications Priya.R, Mr.N.Amarabalan, R.Revathy DOI:10.14148.IJ.2021.V2.2204
An Improved Boost Charge Inverter Circuit for PV Application without Static Device R.Muthunagai DOI:10.14148.IJ.2021.V2.2205